Pregnancy Contract Infertility Treatment

The contract becomes effective since the date of signing
Pregnancy Contract Infertility Treatment
Contract NO.: AT0007

Party A: Beijing Antai OBGYN Hospital of Beijing Xinjing Antai Medical Technical Service Co., Ltd.

Party B:                                                       ID NO.:

Party B was clearly diagnosed as infertility by Party A. Party A believes that it can be cured if Party B receives the medical treatment, thus, Party B agrees to receive and comply with the treatment. According to relevant provisions of The Contract Law of PRC, both parties have reached the following agreement through friendly negotiation:

Article 1, Name, definition, period, fees and definition of success of treatment:
Treatment Definition of Treatment Period Treatment Fees Definition of Success
Joint assisted reproduction Perfrom more than two treatments for the infertility 2 years RMB 40,000 Pregnancy Test: Postive

The cost of treatment includes surgical fees, anesthesia fees, bed charges, nursing and infusion fees, drugs, supplies fees and inspection laboratory fees, and does not include the preoperative patient examination fees, the postoperative the referral check fee, laboratory fees, and special medication fees for ovulation induction, GnRHa (Triptorelin), and special supplies fee, transfusion fee and the fees that is outside the cost of the above treatment costs.

Article 2, Selection of treatment:
Party A put forward the treatment after diagnosis for Party B, and execute with Party B’s agreement.

Article 3, Contract period:
The contract is valid from date         to date        .

Article 4, Obligations of Party A:
First       During treatment period, Party A performs infertility treatment for Party B, carry out the necessary checks on a regular basis, and make appropriate referral program for secondary surgery if necessary; surgery and anesthesia fees for secondary surgery will be waived, but other costs will be charged.

Second         When the treatment period has reached two years, Party B was not pregnant, nor agree to continue treatment, Party A shall refund the cost of treatment RMB 40,000; if Party B agrees to continue treatment, party A shall continue to fulfill their obligations, and the refund as promised will not be paid. And both parties will comply in accordance with article 1 of this contract.

Third     Party A has the obligation to keep confidential the personal privacy of Party B and shall not make it public without Party B’s consent.

Article 5, Obligations of Party B:
First       On the date of signing the contract, Party B shall pay RMB 40,000 for the treatment.

Second         If Party B does not follow doctor’s advice or accept infertility treatment in other medical institutions, Party A will not pay the refund.

Three     Situations like extrauterine pregnancy, premature delivery or stillborn fetus are not treatment failure, and Party A will not refund for Party B, and the treatment fees for above situations will be charged additionally.

Four       Party B shall provide Party A with true name, address and contact NO., including phone NO., home NO., office NO., e-mail, qq or MSN to ensure Party A can contact with Party B at any time. Party B shall reply in time and provide information upon Party A’s requirements. Any change of phone NO., address or e-mail shall be informed to Party A within 5 days. During the effective period of the contract, if contact is discontinued, and Party B has not contacted with Party A till the expiration of the contract, it will be regarded as cured and Party A will not refund the treatment fees.

Five       After the expiration of the contract, if Party B is not cured and Party A has refunded the related fees according to the contract, Party B shall not conduct malicious attacks to Party A; Party B shall tell the true treatment, the hospital condition and the curer condition without any subreption or fabricate information, or else, Party A has right to pursue the relevant legal obligations of Party B.

Six  The contract shall be signed by the patient, or by the immediate family member or legal guardian if the patient has no capacity for civil conduct.

Seven    Any refund shall be handled in the hospital according to the Refund Provisions for Cure Guarantee Contract.

Article 6, Preliminary diagnosis:

Article 7, This contract is the master contract, and the matters not covered shall be attached as supplementary agreement after consultation by both parties. Any written opinions signed by Party B during the treatment belong to attachments and have legal effect; both parties shall keep properly till the end of the treatment.

Article 8, For disputes cannot be solved through negotiation, any party may apply for coordination or file a lawsuit to people’s court and solve through judicial process.

The contract shall have two originals and each party will have one. The contract becomes effective since the date of signing.


Signature of Party A’s Representative:            Signature of Party B and Contact No.:


Date                                                                                   Date

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